“Team Holleyman”
In a team of 2 complete the following for time:
30 Rounds of:
-10 Wall ball shots (6kg/9kg)
-6 Handstand push-ups
-2 Power clean (71kg/102kg)
Reduce height
HSPU to an ab-mat/ HSPU to an ab-mat and 10kg plate/ HSPU on a box
Reduce weight
3,2,1 go Athlete 1 completes 5 Wall balls, High Five, Athlete 2 completes 5 Wall balls. Once all wall balls are done, Athlete 2 high fives Athlete 1 to complete 3 HSPU, Once completed they high five and athlete 2 completes 3 HSPU. Again athlete 2 high fives athlete 1 and athlete 1 can complete their 1 power clean. Once completed they can high five and athlete 2 is now able to complete their power clean.