Tuesday 31st March 2015

Main – CrossFit


Lumberjack 20 Team WOD

20 Deadlifts (85kg/125kg)

Run 400m

20 KB swings (24kg/32kg)

Run 400m

20 Overhead Squats (35kg/52.5kg)

Run 400m

20 Burpees

Run 400m

20 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

Run 400m

20 Box jumps (20”/24”)

Run 400m

20 Cleans (30kg/50kg)

Run 400m


Reduce weight

Row 400m

Pull-ups or Jumping Chest-to-bar

Reduce height

One barbell per team. The weights can be changed as needed for the WOD.

Each athlete performs 10 reps how they break that up is up to the team.

Both athletes must complete the 400m run. If one athlete returns before the other they cannot start working until their partner is back.

Metcon (Time)