Thursday 30th October 2014

Main – CrossFit


Spend 15 minutes working the progressions for the toes to bar 

-Swing (same as the kipping pull-up)

-Pop the hip

-Knees to elbows

-Flick the feet

On the return stay tucked in, don’t kick the feet out.

Spend 15 minutes going through the progressions for pistols

Stack weights up to the height needed to complete a pistol. 
You might use x2 25kg x2 15kg and x2 10kg plates. 

Form over reps!

Complete 4 reps, without losing form. Once you have completed 4 successful reps, lower the plate., continue doing this until you reach your limit or until you can do a pistol unassisted. 

– Reach for the foot or hold onto the foot

– Keep the heel down

– Add a 5kg as a counter weight can sometimes help but doesn’t work for everyone.


Death by pistols and toes-to-bar

1st minute= 1 Toes-to-bar

2nd minute= 2 Pistols

3rd minute= 3 Toes to bar

4th minute= 4 Pistols


continue until you cannot complete the number of reps in the required time. 


Pistol with stack of plates

Double Ab-mat sit-ups ie

2 on the 1st minute,

6 on the 3rd minute,

10 on the 5th minute, etc

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)