Sunday 26th October 2014

Main – CrossFit


Warm-up should include mobility for the front rack.

Spend 15 minutes breaking down the thruster using the progressions

-Front squat

-Push press


Warm up to the weight for the workout.


AMRAP in 9 minutes, of:

20 Double unders

3 Thruster (30kg/42.5kg)

3 Chest-to-bar pull-ups

20 Double unders

6 Thruster (30kg/42.5kg)

6 Chest-to-bar pull-ups

20 Double unders

9 Thruster (30kg/42.5kg)

9 Chest-to-bar pull-ups

(The double unders stay at 20 reps, the Thrusters and Chest-to-bar pull-ups increase by 3 each the sequence would continue.. 12,12 15,15 18,18, 21,21).


60 Singles

Reduce weight

Pull-ups/ Ring rows

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)