Monday 20th May 2013

Team Pic


Regional Events

In teams of 6 complete the following;

Event 1

2 people from each team complete, for time;


– 1000m Row

– 50 Thrusters (20kg)

– 30 Pull-ups


Event 2

2 people from each team complete, for time;


– Deadlift (90kg/125kg)

– Box jumps (24″ /30″)


Event 3

2 people from each team complete, for time;

– 100 Double unders, 50 each

– 50 Handstand push-ups

(whilst the partner holds a handstand)

– 50 Toes-to-bar

(whilst the partner hangs from the pull-up frame)

– 50 Shoulders to Overhead

(whilst the partner holds the front rack position)

– 90ft Lunge walk in the front rack position, both partners


Event 4

All 6 members must participate. Each member of the team must complete, for time:

– 30 Wall balls (6kg/9kg)

– 30 Chest to bar pull-ups

– 30 Pistols (alternating leg everytime)

– 30 One-arm kettlebell snatches (20kg/32kg) (alternating arms every rep)