Guess who we met in the Media office
Skill part 1
– 20 second static hollow rock hold
– 20 second static superman hold
Rest 40 seconds
– 30 second static hollow rock hold
– 30 second static superman hold
Rest 30 seconds
– 45 second static hollow rock hold
– 45 second static superman hold
Rest 15 seconds
– 60 second static hollow rock hold
– 60 second static superman hold
Skill part 2
– 50 Air squats
Skill part 3
– Max ring hold – 3 attempts
Beginner – Vertical hold, support yourself on the rings. Keep the rings close to the body.
Intermediate – Hold the tuck position
Advanced – Legs extended, try to hold the legs as straight as possible, no more than a 45 degree bend.
3 Rounds for time, of;
– 100m Plate run (15kg/20kg)
– 20 Wall balls
– 20 Toes to bar